Smaller wetland, treatment you need.

Benefit from the newest possibilities that
digitally optimized ecotechnologies
provide for the water sector

About me

My consulting enterprise Ghaemesh optimizes and scales

wetland treatment digitally.

My customers are engineers and decision makers, who face challenges related to wastewater or natural water quality. Due to low cost, low infrastructure or community needs, nature-based solutions are for them, on their own or paired with intensified treatment. I offer software optimization to help their work.
The models I work with are scientifically accepted and guarantee a good consulting practice. They allow for calculable water quality at decreased land cost.

Services Detail

Our services

Add digitally optimised ecotechnology to your treatment chain and meet the best standards.

Ghaemesh has the precision
you need



decision-support tools

treatment systems

wetland scaled


All you need to do is to accept a better range of possibilities for your project.


Ghaemesh Határvíz Kft.
9022 Győr, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út 59.

phone: +36 70 213 87 30


Tamas Gabor Palfy EIRL

phone: +33 641 56 21 38


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